13 truths about minimalism

On this journey to a simple intentional life, we often get caught up in rules that seem rather religious and are not authentic to who we truly are.This can be very frustrating making a lot of people quit along the way. These 13 truths about Minimalism help to remind me of the reason I fell in love with minimalism in the first place.

I hope you will find them helpful too; Remember we are unique individuals serving a unique purpose so minimalism looks different for all of us.


1. Minimalism is not a cult or an exclusive club:

  I wish someone had told me this before I attempted this lifestyle

My wardrobe did not have to be all black.

Neither did I have to paint my walls white if I did not want to.

The first truth about minimalism is that ALL ARE WELCOME!

It does not discriminate the tiny house dwellers from the mansion owners; all are loved and included.

2. The minimalist lifestyle is not a superficial one:

It is not a set of rules to follow or you are kicked out of the club.

 Neither is it a one size fits all approach to a type of living.

One size does not fit all.

What works for one person does not necessarily have to work for another!

We are not impressing anybody with our decision to try out minimalism,

It is one we take for ourselves.

3. It’s not disturbed when faced with  complicated and extraordinary things:

Rather, it is very much an embrace of the complexity of being a human today.

Simplicity in its very essence is complex and diverse; Depending on the times,cultures, values and people.

4. It’s living more intentionally:

This means you clearly define your values and beliefs.

So you can align your life; How you spend money and time to what matters the most.

 It is NOT focussing on emptiness and having no belongings

5. Hobbies, Sentimental items and things that bring you happiness are a good thing:

They do not clutter.

Instead they are what make life worth living.

As long as you are mindful not to consume more than you need or hoard; You should be fine!

6.Life is for living:

Buying things that don’t add value to your life just to fit in or because ‘they said so‘ is essentially the same as letting someone define what your values are.

If you like the things you spend money on, don’t feel bad about it.

It is a very personal journey.

7. Minimalism is not about the number of things you own:

It actually has little to do with numbers and more to do with your mindset, attitude, and perspective of life.

The relationship you have with those things is what matters the most.

And, I wish someone had told me it’s ok to have a closet full of clothes.


8.Have a strong WHY:

Getting rid of stuff can be challenging.

It can drain you mentally and emotionally; Having a strong WHY power makes it a lot easier.

Mine is my faith.

Because I did not want to rely on material possessions to make me happy; But on lasting/eternal things.

It became absolutely paramount for me to search for abundance in life.

I believe experiences like nature, relationships, and God are truly what makes a more memorable life.


9. The beauty about minimalism is that there is no right or wrong way to do it :

It can take 2 days, months, or years to downsize your possessions and figure it out.

The awesome thing is that there are no deadlines

You don’t need your family or your partner to adapt a new minimalist lifestyle, for you to do it.

It’s just between you and your own things/desires and how those things make you feel.

10. Out withthe old; In with the new is not sustainable:

That was my first approach to minimizing and decluttering.

I wish someone had told me that it was not a sustainable way to do things.

Taking care of what we already have; Donating, selling, or even re-purposing what we do not need anymore;

As opposed to throwing it away is a much better approach.

Before you get excited and tempted to throw out all your stuff;

Just remember that your rubbish can be another man’s greatest possession.

11.It doesnt have to be all or nothing:

Anybody who has adopted minimalism at one point has felt guilty of having too much stuff.

Especially as regards our work or our hobbies.

 I personally faced that internal struggle when it came to books;

AND I love my books in hardcopy which did not help the situation.

The smell of old books makes me nostalgic;

Hence, I easily get attached to specific books.

I have quite a few!

Because maybe they remind me of a place I have been or a particular relationship.

Although this does not necessarily make sense in the minimalist or sustainable world,

I do love and use the books I own.

I am hoping I could pass them on to my children one day.

Non the less, there is nothing inherently good or bad about how much stuff someone has.

Rather, we alone must make the ultimate decision;

Whether something is serving us as well as people and the planet.

 I wish someone had told me that in some areas I would have to live with less-

And in others; I would just consciously live with more.

 Consciously, because I still take a minimalistic approach even in those areas where I have a little bit more.

For example, purchasing a book only from a writer I already know and love.

And only buying physical books that I absolutely cherish.

Minimalism can be used as a guideline rather than a strict set of rules.

12.Quality over rides quantity:

Since I was going to have fewer things, it only made sense for me to invest in higher-quality items.

Because, if it lasts longer; it will pay for itself in the long run.

These items last longer hence create less waste.

And in the process force you to bring fewer new things into the home.

Hey, it’s absolutely okay to treat yourself to higher-quality things.

But don’t forget that the best things are the ones that are free like relationships, love, health, and personal growth.

13. Get brutally honest with yourself

The 13th truth about minimalism is to be sincere with yourself.

I  wish someone had warned me that minimalism would force me to be brutally honest with myself.

This lifestyle invites you to look internally and reflect on the choices you are making.

Especially about the consumption of stuff so that you no longer accumulate things.

There things that will motivate us to take action (for example skinny jeans may motivate us to loose weight) but are not necessarily what we need.

Those things become a token of guilt or inadequacy which negatively impacts our lives.

We need to get rid of false hopes in order to live a more practical authentic life.

 Well, these 13 truths about minimalism inspire me and I find myself going back to them over and over again. Especially on those days when I feel so frustrated overwhelmed or pressured.

Are you trying to simplify your life? you can share in the comments what motivated you to get started on this journey in the first place. I would love to hear from you.

God Bless!

Dolorese.M. Makholo.

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