Maximize Your Small Space!

Space is increasingly becoming a luxury and as more of the world becomes urbanized-square footage has become smaller and smaller. So it’s safe to say that small spaces are the future. This is not necessarily a bad thing as living in a tiny space has its benefits such as lower utility costs, less maintenance, and often a closer proximity to city amenities. However, you have to be mindful of these common pitfalls if you want to maximize your small space.


a hall way with storage and a seating nook showing different ways you can maximize your small spaces
Space Maximizing Ideas


Maximize Your Small Space; Are You Making These Common Mistakes?


1. Overcrowding with Furniture


One of the biggest mistakes people make is failing to prioritize and trying to fit too much furniture into their small spaces.

When every inch counts, furnishing your space according to your unique lifestyle goals will save you from crowding your space with a lot of clutter.

Along with prioritizing your needs -opting for clever space-saving furniture like multi-functional pieces that serve more than one purpose will help you make the most of your small space.


2. Poor Lighting Choices


Lighting can dramatically influence how spacious your home feels.

And, relying only on overhead lighting can create harsh shadows and make the room feel smaller or boxed in.

Instead, incorporate multiple light sources such as floor lamps, wall sconces, as well as table lamps to brighten up dark corners and add depth to the space.


3. Ignoring Vertical Space


Walls aren’t just there to hold up ceilings; they’re also valuable real estate for storage and decor. Shelves, hanging cabinets, or even pegboards can allow you to utilize vertical space effectively without encroaching on precious floor area.

Open your mind up to making use of door space by incorporating smart storage options like over-the-door hanging organizers for your kitchen cabinets or bathroom doors.


4. Keeping Too Much Stuff


And failing to downsize.

Clutter is a small space’s enemy number one.

If you have tried everything and your space still looks cluttered and overwhelming maybe the only other solution is to declutter and downsize.

Research has found that clutter has a very huge negative impact on our mental health and it is one of the major causes of depression in small spaces. Therefore it’s important to schedule regular decluttering days to keep your home relevant to your needs.

You can;

Regularly assess what items you really need and use frequently versus what you keep “just in case.” Implement a decluttering routine that suits your lifestyle—whether that’s seasonal purges or monthly clean-outs.

If decluttering is a chore you hate doing and you find yourself always procrastinating- Here is a guide to help you keep your home tidy without spending hours doing it.


5. Neglecting Organizational Systems


Without proper organization systems in place, it’s easy for smaller homes to become chaotic quickly.

For that reason make it a point to create a simple cleaning and organizing routine that fits your lifestyle in order to maintain a tidy home.

Also, you can invest in smart storage solutions like drawer organizers, closet systems with adjustable shelves/rods, or under-bed storage bins to help maintain order within confined quarters.


Practical Tips for Maximizing Small Spaces


1. Prioritize


Make a list of goals regarding how you would like your home to better serve you. For instance what aesthetic are you going for?  And what do you need for your daily home routines in order to function properly?

Remember you have limited square footage so try and prioritize your most important goals when it comes to furnishing and styling your home.

Also, while planning out your space opt for furniture and decor options that will help you make the most of your compact space. Good examples are:

  • Multi-Functional Furniture

Look out for items that can serve more than one purpose like a sofa bed that you will use to entertain guests but later can transform into an extra bed for a sleepover.

Or a coffee table with storage for books and throw blankets. There loads of great stylish space-saving furniture options out there that fit different styles and aesthetics.

  • Sheer Curtains.

In addition, use light window treatments to harvest as much natural light into your space.

These could be sheer curtains or blinds that offer privacy but at the same time allow light to penetrate through them. It is a known fact that natural light helps to maximize small spaces.

  • Mirrors:

Alongside light window treatments, incorporate mirrors into your decor.

Mirrors reflect light and give an impression of increased square footage by creating optical illusions that make a space feel open rather than confined.

Place these strategically throughout different rooms (e.g., across from windows) to maximize your small space.

  • Neutral Color Palette

Opt for lighter shades or monochromatic palettes as these tend to make a space appear larger. If you are looking for neutral color palettes we recommend for small spaces, click here



an image of a circular mirror in a living room showing how mirrors can help maximize your small space.
Maximizing Space With Mirrors

2. Declutter


Get rid of anything that does not serve you in your home.

A quick way of establishing whether an item is of value or not is to purge anything that you haven’t touched or used for the past 3-6 months.

Also having your home priorities and goals at the back of your mind while decluttering will help quicken the process and keep clutter at bay.

I have found that borrowing the minimalist mindset of focusing on essential items has kept my home less cluttered and more attractive. Now bear in mind that minimalism might look different for everyone- what is essential and valuable for one person may not necessarily be the same for another.


3. Optimize


Before you invest in more storage or buy new furniture altogether, develop a new perspective of what you already have.

Repurpose, Refresh, and Recycle. I have found some of the most unique decor and functional items in my house by simply repurposing old cutlery.


4. Organize


It is a fact that a clean well-organized home always feels more spacious.

Therefore, create systems that form the backbone of your organization routine. This way cleaning becomes second nature to you and you do not have to put off a whole day just to clean.

If you have no idea on how to come up with an ideal and efficient home cleaning system you can start here 5-minute home reset.


5. Personalize


Most importantly, understand that you are an individual with a unique value system, lifestyle, and personality.

Because having clarity on what exactly adds value to you will keep you from spending money and time on things that don’t matter-As well as hold back clutter from your home.

Plus understanding your unique style will make planning and styling your home much easier since you know exactly what you want. Here is a guide on how to identify your personal style and create a home that is uniquely yours.


6. Embrace Minimalism


As earlier discussed here is why Minimalism is the perfect design approach for small spaces.

  1. It focuses on purpose and functionality and this thoughtful approach ensures that every square inch is utilized efficiently helping you maximize your small space.
  2. Minimalism emphasizes clean lines, simple forms, and a restrained color palette, which can visually expand a small space.
  3. Minimalism’s focus on simplicity and essentials keeps clutter at bay therefore fostering a tranquil living environment.

Here’s how to embrace minimalism to maximize your small space:

  • Keep it Simple: Choose simple, clean-lined furniture and decor. Avoid clutter and excessive ornamentation.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Invest in high-quality, functional pieces that serve multiple purposes.
  • Neutral Palette: Stick to a neutral color palette with a few well-chosen accent pieces to create a calm and cohesive look.
  • Open Space: Maintain open spaces and avoid overcrowding rooms with too much furniture.

Read more here on how to introduce minimalist interior design into your home.

7. Optimize Your Furniture Layout


Arranging furniture strategically can make a small space feel larger and more open. Consider these tips for optimizing your furniture layout:

  • Floating Furniture: Place furniture away from walls to create a sense of depth. Floating furniture arrangements make the room feel more spacious.
  • Clear Pathways: Ensure there is a clear pathway through the room to avoid a cramped feeling. Keep high-traffic areas free from obstacles.
  • Proportional Furniture: Choose furniture that fits the scale of your space. Oversized furniture can overwhelm a small room.

Here is a guide on choosing the right furniture and lay out for your small space

8. Smart Storage Solutions


Look for efficient smart storage that will not clutter your space like;

  • Vertical Storage: Use wall-mounted shelves and tall bookcases to take advantage of vertical space. Install shelves above doors and windows to store rarely used items.
  • Under-Bed Storage: Invest in beds with built-in storage or use under-bed storage bins to keep off-season clothing, shoes, and extra linens.
  • Furniture with Storage: Choose furniture pieces that offer hidden storage, such as coffee tables with compartments or benches with storage under the seat.
  • Hooks and Pegboards: Install hooks and pegboards on walls to hang kitchen utensils, tools, bags, and accessories.


That said, to maximize your small space you need to integrate smart planning, creative solutions, and a minimalist mindset

Whether you live in a tiny studio or a compact one-bedroom apartment, by prioritizing your needs, decluttering, and creating simple cleaning and organizing routines, you can transform your small space into  a stylish, functional, and comfortable home.

Also, if you need a more detailed guide on how to maximize space in your small apartment-grab your free copy below.

With Love,


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