I can not stress how important it is to have an office that motivates and inspires you every single time you walk in. Being in the right frame of mind as well as having the right attitude is very crucial for productivity. And that is why a minimalist office decor aesthetic was so important to me when it came to designing my own creative studio.
I wanted to create a space that could allow me the freedom to be creative. A clutter-free office that evoked the feeling of calmness and clarity.
These two key elements greatly determined my design choices.
A MEANINGFUL HAVEN: Styling With Minimalist Office Decor

Looking back, this project brings me so much joy… I had such great fun curating this space-For many reasons but mostly because it was my very first interior design project straight from University. And also my first business venture.
So many FIRSTS…
This was my very own project, so even the sky could not limit me… I was left to the mercy of my imagination. And my pockets OFCOURSE.
I recently had just returned from design school in Florence, Italy. Which explains the modern European influence in a lot of the design choices I took.
My goal was to recreate a modern gallery that doubled as an events décor studio. The walls had to be clean and contrasting such that they could allow for any artwork to stand out without much distraction.
This dining table turned work table has a lot of fond memories of beautiful family dinners and homework(…the latter was and still is my least favorite thing). All it needed was a fresh coat of varnish and the chairs were re-dressed.

Some of the rooms were quite small and dark with a tricky layout which meant I had to get very clever with my color selections as well as my furniture choices.
I chose a neutral color scheme with cool whites and bright pops of yellows reminiscent of the beautiful sun rays. But also to lift up my spirits on those long workdays…You know the ones am talking about.
More importantly, I painted the ceiling and walls in the same palette which really helped to give the illusion of space; Visually creating a space that appeared much bigger than it really was.

Since the project was personal, I decided to decorate with art pieces that meant a lot to me. As well as objects that spoke to my personal taste and aesthetic.
Some biophilic art that graced the walls
Also, its important to note that this just happens to be the home I grew up in. Which later evolved into office space. So it was key that I kept most of the original details and furniture. Actually all of the furniture I used was repurporsed. Including the doors as well as the floor finishes.
This made for a very special space; Working there was like a Hug from the past.

The office has since changed, mainly due to the fact that I now share it with a construction company. But I really did enjoy my shortlived personal office. It was such a DELIGHT. If you are interested in creating your very own meaningful space or are just curious about minimalist interior design and creating timeless interiors; Do subscribe below.
God Bless!