Building Cities Of The Future: Top Documentaries.

Building cities of the future.

Right now, my free time is often split between dreaming of the perfect project and watching youtube documentaries on building cities of the future. Might I say it has become a newfound hobby of mine;

Leaning more towards an obsession if I am to be honest.

This is because designing sustainable cities has always been a goal of mine. So much that I would dare say that it is my very heartbeat; Possibly, for this very purpose I was created… to build the cities of the future!

I say this with a smile because I have never designed a city before, Or even a small residential community to say the least.

Non the less I do admire those who do.

And once in a while, I will find myself re-arranging streets and buildings to catch the perfect sunset; or to draw in light through a dingy walkway.

Only because it is fun and fulfilling.

Also, I will say that am not exactly an architect… just an interior designer with Big dreams.

Anyway, I believe LIVING CITIES that are inclusive; And provide life, growth, and room for expansion for their inhabitants are the solution to the ever-growing challenges in our cities today. As more and more countries get on board the wagon of sustainability, It is imperative that we rethink our cities. So as to make them more resilient for those coming after us . Thus shaping a better tomorrow.

This small lineup of short films and documentaries shows the fascinating way architecture and design can solve the challenges of urban living. Through embracing reduction design, small footprint living, biophilic design; As well as communal living. This, in turn, promotes well-being and economic vitality. Enjoy my top 3 documentaries on building cities of the future.


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